For over a century, Peking University has been the foremost domestic academic setting for understanding China. It has facilitated the work of many generations of scholars, in the pursuit of a more nuanced and complete understanding of China in diverse fields like history, science, economics, and literature. Its students have left its halls to spread this understanding, achieving success and fame in commerce, art, academia and politics.
Two years ago, the University founded the Yenching Academy, inviting a global cohort of young scholars into this unique intellectual environment. The Academy provides a rigorous Master’s program for the multidisciplinary study of China, with the hope of cultivating a new generation of global leaders. The inaugural batch of 96 Scholars, hailing from 32 countries and regions, 57 of the world’s leading universities, have the opportunity to immerse themselves in China and analyze it from a variety of perspectives.
The Academy’s flagship event, the Yenching Global Symposium, is a continuation of this mission. Hosted on the Peking University campus from March 24-26, 2016, the three-day event will comprise engaging lectures, panel discussions, and interactive sessions about China’s impact on the world and the influence that the world has on China. It will feature prominent Chinese and international scholars, along with leading professionals from a wide range of fields. These leaders of today will share their insights with their potential counterparts: 200 students and young professionals from around the world with a noted passion for China in their work and research.
Applications open now. Please fill in your application by midnight (CST) Thursday, December 31, 2015. Till then, stay tuned. It’s time to talk about China.
Materials needed:
· Curriculum Vitae;
· A brief statement of your motivations;
· A short essay.
Application Link (PC only) :

两年前,北京大学成立燕京学堂,邀请来自全球各地的青年学生,感受北大的独特氛围。燕京学堂提供跨学科中国学硕士项目,旨在培养一批全球领袖。第一批入学的燕京学子共96名,来自32个国家和地区,毕业于57所世界一流大学。他们将融入中国,从不同角度分析、研究中国。作为燕京学堂具有标志性意义的活动,“全球青年中国论坛” 是学堂使命的延续。论坛拟定于2016年3月24日至26日在北京大学召开,将通过专题讲座、专题研讨会、互动等方式探讨中国与世界的相互影响。来自不同领域学科的杰出中外学者、教授将莅临此次论坛,他们作为今日的领导者也将与明日的领导者——200名来自全球各地对中国有着强烈兴趣的学生和年轻专业人士——分享彼此的见解。
· 个人英文简历
· 英文个人动机陈述
· 英文短篇论文
申请链接(仅PC端): (北京大学学生请在校园网“收费地址”模式下打开此链接)