近日,作为NYU(Shanghai)客座教授以及国际知名律所Clifford Chance中华区合伙人的Stephen Harder先生,将为北大同学们带来精彩的演讲。演讲的主题为:Negotiating Across Cultures: Lessons from an International Legal Practice and the Confrontations at American Colleges,Harder先生将会分享他在欧洲及中国以律师身份跨文化工作30年的经验以及他个人对美国校园中冲突问题的理解,敬请关注。

Stephen Harder is an international corporate lawyer, currently based in Shanghai, China. He has been a partner at Clifford Chance LLP, a leading global law firm with headquarters in London, UK, since 1995, and he has been the managing partner of the firm's mainland China practice since 2002. Harder's recent practice has focused on cross-border transactions relating to China, including financing arrangements in Africa, Latin America, and Russia.
Currently, he is also an Adjunct Professor with the Stern Business School at New York University (NYU) in Shanghai and Global Adjunct Professor of Law at NYU Shanghai. He is teaching courses in American Law, Business and Society, and International Business Transactions with Developing Countries - the Impact of China.
Recently, Harder has presented on "China Meets Africa" at a conference for African legal counsel organized by Clifford Chance LLP in London, UK, and has been a delegate to the World Economic Forum meetings on Africa in Cape Town, South Africa.
During his career, Harder has been based in New York, Brussels, Warsaw, Moscow, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Beijing. When based in Europe in the early 1990s, he was a legal counsel for the Russian and Polish mass privatization programs, as well as counsel to the Polish government in its "London Club" sovereign debt negotiations.
Harder has written in the International Financial Law Review on "China's Sovereign Wealth Fund: The Need for Caution" and spoken in recent years at US law and business schools on "China in the Balance: Needed Reforms, Vested Interests and the Choices Facing China's Leaders." He has also been published in the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences on "Political Finance in the Liberal Republic."
Harder holds a BA from Princeton University and graduated from Columbia University Law and Business Schools with a JD/MBA (Stone Scholar/Bronfman Fellow). He is a native of Boston and lives with his family in Shanghai.
During his guest lecture, Harder will share his extensive experience practicing law and advising clients in cross-cultural environments in Europe and China. He will also address the recent turmoil in American universities, considering the political, economic, legal, ethical and psychological dynamics behind the recent campus confrontations. The speaker will give his own personal views, based on his experience as a lawyer and negotiator, his close association with several of the academic institutions in question, some personal anecdotes, and his analysis of the current American political scene.
Time: 7:30 p.m. Thursday, December 10
Location: Second Gymnasium Building(二体)
This lecture will be open to all Peking University students.