应北京大学燕京学堂邀请,美国波士顿学院教授、哈佛大学费正清中国研究中心研究员Robert S. Ross(陆伯彬),将于2023年9月15日来燕京学堂讲座。本次英文讲座向全校师生开放,讲座由燕京学堂副院长范士明教授主持。欢迎大家踊跃报名参加!

Topic: Sources and Prospects for the China-U.S. Competition
Speaker: Robert S. Ross (陆伯彬)
Host: Fan Shiming (范士明)
Time: 16:00-17:30
Date: September 15 , 2023
Location: Room B101, Second Gymnasium, Peking University
Language: English
About Speaker:
Robert S. Ross (陆伯彬) is Professor of Political Science at Boston College. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science from Columbia University in 1984. He has taught at Columbia University and at the University of Washington and in 1989 was a Guest Scholar at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. In 1994-1995 he was Fulbright Professor at the Chinese Foreign Affairs College, in 2003 he was a Visiting Senior Fellow at the Institute of International Strategic Studies, Tsinghua University, Beijing, and in 2014 was Visiting Scholar, School of International Relations, Peking University. In 2009 he was Visiting Scholar, Institute for Strategy, Royal Danish Defence College. From 2009-2014 he has been Adjunct Professor, Institute for Defence Studies, Norwegian Defence University College.